September 2nd and 3rd 2010-Advanced Planning Concepts Course-Durango, Colorado
AGENCIES IN ATTENDANCE: State of New Mexico Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Archuleta County OEM, Durango Fire Rescue Authority, Durango Police Department, Southwest Colorado IMT
This very small session was filmed and recorded for a future Blue Cell project. A special thank you to the participants for their patience, hard work and great questions/interactions and to Chief Noonan and Division Chief Mark Quick for the use of the Durango Fire Rescue Authoritys training room and great hospitality.

July 2010-Advanced Planning Concepts Course- State of Kansas
The Kansas Adjutant General's Department of Emergency Management and Kansas Homeland Security sponsored three seperate deliveries of the Advanced Planning Concepts : Developing Incident Action Plans course for over 70 students in Topeka, Wichita and Hays, Kansas. All three classes were very energenic and more than proficient in ideas presented in the course. All regional state IMT's were represented in the deliveries as well as other students from state local agencies.
June 14th and 15th 2010-Advanced Planning Concepts Course-Montrose, Colorado
AGENCIES IN ATTENDANCE: Montrose Memorial Hospital, Hotchkiss Fire, Pitkin County S.O., Montrose County Public Health, San Juan County Public Health, Colorado Govenors Office of Homeland Security, Montose County OEM, Dolores County
On June 14th and 15th of 2010 I had the opportunity to attend the “Advanced Planning Concepts” program offered by “The Blue Cell LLC” presented by Todd Manns. This two day class was well organized and highly professional calling upon the skills and knowledge base of the attendees as well as the presenter. The class was presented in a relaxed but constructive manner.
The format of the class allowed for the education and review of concepts of the ICS Planning Section as well as the application of these concepts during a simulated event. The design required everyone to participate and come together as part of a team in a “Hands On” approach.
Under the guidance of Mr. Manns, individually, and as a team we had the opportunity to work through problems and issues that would occur in a true event. He brought his knowledge and experience to the table and compared the issues found during the simulation with those found in true events. The real life and real time comparison allowed me to see how my actions or modification of actions would impact the event in safety, manpower, materials, and cost.
During my career as an RN and my time as an Emergency Department Director I have attended multiple Emergency Management and ICS classes presented by multiple different agencies and by multiple different authorities. I must conclude that the “Advanced Planning Concepts” program offered by “The Blue Cell LLC” has exceeded my expectations in both the content and presentation. It puts you safely in the driver’s seat of an event allowing you to work through it. I would highly recommend this class to Hospital Administrators from the Director level through Senior Management.
Richard J. Schahczinski RN, BS, Director of Emergency Room Services
Montrose Memorial Hospital
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May 12nd and 13th 2010-Advanced Planning Concepts Course-Berthoud, Colorado
AGENCIES IN ATTENDANCE: Colorado Department of Agriculture, Colorado Water Conservancy, Baca County OEM, Larimer County SO
This class fills a need in planning at two levels:
1. It assists those wth aspirations of becoming a PSC, or anyone within an ICS operation to better understand the process of developing an IAP for a more complex incident.
2. This class fills an even more critical need of aquainting those with only limited exposure to ICS and / or those who "inherit" planning duties due to a lack of a PSC with the forms, processes and procedures necessary to develop an effective IAP. The latter is certainly applicable to the governmental department in which I work. We are one of the smaller state departments, our personnel are fully committed to assigned departmental tasks and as such departmental leadership is unable to support time committments and budget considerations necessary to train individuals to higher ICS levels and in particularly the time required to complete position specifc task books. In spite of these limitations, these same department member may need to carry out T-4 and T-3 operations related to departmental jurisdiction. Thus, this class fills a huge gap in assisting such individuals in acquiring the basic knowledge and skills to develop effective IAPS and do so in only 2 days of training.
Colorado Department of Agriculture
March 22nd and 23rd 2010-Advanced Planning Concepts Course-Gunnison Colorado
AGENCIES IN ATTENDANCE: Numerous, Local, State and Federal Agencies and disciplines from the Gunnison Valley
I am writing to express my sincere thanks with the training that was provided on March 22nd and 23rd of 2010 in Gunnison,Colorado. Todd Manns, our instructor during this two day training /exercise put into perspective the importance of the ICS system and the different ways the system can be used for planned or unplanned events. Every area of the ICS system was convered including the ICS forms.Mr.Manns covered the areas at the pace of the class, so each student was comfortable and not being left behind with theinformation they were receiving. The second day the class used what they were taught and an exercise on a planned event was completed. During this exercise the students worked effectively together in an organized fashion. Mr. Manns and Mr. Ayres (who assisted) helped facilitate the scenario and answered all questions with professionalism and their entire understanding of the ICS system. After completing this course, I feel comfortable with implementing the ICS system with all planned and inplanned events. If you want quality training with instructors that care and have complete knowledge of the ICS system contact Todd Manns with The Blue Cell, LLC. Mr.Manns is a dynamic speaker and will add some humor into the course.
Gunnison Police Department
February 2nd and 3rd 2010 - Advanced Planning Concepts Course - Lincoln, Nebraska
State of Nebraska: Emergency Management, Department of Environmental Quality, National Guard (Civil Support Team), Office of the Chief Information Officer, Health and Human Services, State Fire Marshals Office and the U of Nebraska / Lincoln
Lincoln Fire Department
Schuyler Police Department
I attended the Advanced Planning Concepts course conducted by Todd Manns in February 2010. The APC course goes beyond “scratching the surface” of the planning process as part of incident command, and delves deeply into the basic and advanced concepts of the planning process to include the practical use of the appropriate ICS documents. Course exercises were challenging and provided a sense of realism and stress that would be encountered during the planning process in a real incident. As an emergency response coordinator and planner for state public health, I found the course informative and challenging with much to take back to my agency to use in the future.
RUSSELL WREN, MPA, EMT-B, Emergency Response & Strategic National Stockpile Coordinator
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services
January 27 and 28th 2010 - Advanced Planning Course - Golden, Colorado
State of Colorado Emergency Management
Adams County Emergency Management
Clear Creek County Emergency Management
Bent County Emergency Management
City and County of Denver: Environmental Health, OEM, Fire
Arvada Fire Rescue, Berthoud Fire Protection District, Boulder Fire Department, Cunningham Fire Protection District, Fairmount Fire Protection District, South Metro Fire Rescue, West Metro Fire Rescue, Cherry Creek School District
I have an open Logistic Section Chief task book . The reason I applied to take the "Developing Incident Action Plans Course" was to have a better understanding of the Planning Section duties, how information collected was disseminated and then integrated in the IAP. The information and materials will be invaluable to my personal educational goals, while updating and upgrading our agencies documents and ability to work with ICS forms. It was obvious that many years of experience and research had gone into gathering materials presented during the class. The exercise was an excellent oppurtunity to apply the skills we had acquired earlier in the class. I would highly recommend this class not just for those in planning, but to all, in order to understand and work with the many varied ICS forms available.
JANE THOMAS , Emergency Planner
Clear Creek County Office of Emergency Management-Colorado