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Our firm is a: trainingtechnical consulting  and deployment services company. In February 2011 we launched our new webstore . A few select products including Blue Cell proprietory products are offered. You can also purchase a subscription to our simulation enivornment on the web- Chelsea County USA  for your own usage on simulations and trainings at your jurisdiction or company. Also click here to find out more about our pre-packaged exercise concept  . 

As you can see our website and company is organized very much like a working planning section on an incident management team. For information on the Blue Cells previous weeks activities, trainings, deployments, projects and occassional commentary on contemporary events click on the situation unit .The Blue Cell maintains a linkedin, youtube, facebook, twitter presence on the web. We also have a blog. For a list of past assignments and projects click on the documentation unit tab. And when you are in the field and all you have is your mobile device we now have an android market app . (the I-phone version is under development) 

Scan in our QR Barcode 


Thank you for your interest in our firm

We are commited to the belief that planning as incident managers is.......

* a Trade

* an Art

* an Advocation

The basic sectional elements of the Incident Command System are Command,  Operations, Planning, Logistics and Finance.

Over the years in some circles ( Military, Industry, Special Operations Public Safety ) these sections have been associated with a color.



Phone: 1-800-866-0840
Fax: 303-362-7293
E-Mail: admin@thebluecell.com

E-mail us by filling out the form below:

|Welcome| |Training| |Technical Consulting | |Deployment Services| |Webstore| |Situation Unit| |Documentation Unit| |Chelsea County USA| |Contact Us|