WMD Awareness Course (AWR-160)
Law Enforcement Response Actions (PER-265)
Louisiana State University
Law Enforcement Prevention and Deterrence of Terrorists (AWR-122)
Computerized Aided Management of Emergency Operations (MGT-320)
New Mexico Tech
Incident Response to Terrorist Bombings (AWR-130)
Prevention and Response to Suicide Bombing Incident (AWR-131)
Understanding and Planning for School Bomb Incidents (AWR-132)
Bechtel Nevada / UNLV
WMD Radiological/Nuclear Awareness (AWR-140)
Terrorism Awareness: Protecting Soft Targets (AWR-185)
US Department of Energy
Modular Emergency Response to Radiological Transport Training (NLE-Index 036)
Pine Bluff Arsenal/DPETAP
Hospital Mass Casualty Patient Decontamination
American Medical Association / National Disaster Life Support Foundation
Basis Disaster Life Support
Advanced Disaster Life Support
ICS / EOC / Emergency Management Related Training
ICS/EOC Interface (G-191)
Recovery for Local Government (G 270.4)
Hospital Incident Command (HICS)
Evacuation and Re-Entry Planning (G-358)
Expedient Flood Fighting and Ops (G 361 and 270.3)
Incident Command System 100, 200, 300, 400, (ICS)
ICS for Executives and Elected Officials (ICS 402) Live Webinar Available 03/2012
Continuity Program Manager (G-548)
Continuity Planners Workshop (G-550)
National Incident Management System (700)
Emergency Operations Center and Management (G-775)
The National Response Framework (800b)
The National Infrastructure Protection Plan (860)
Planning Section Chief (L-962)
Situation Unit Leader (L-964)
Resource Unit Leader (L-965)
Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)
Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)
L series position specific courses require host state and fema regional approval to be certified
Instructor Methodologies Refresher Course (IMR)
Advanced Planning Concepts: Developing Incident Action Plans (NE-001-COMM)
Since 911 we have instructed over 20,000 students. Click on the email tab above to make inquiry about the above courses